Caught your eye, did we? We’re really good at doing that here. Check out what else we’ve been up to in our gallery!
Also, we’re looking for good people to join our crew. Interested in making big shapes?
read more about the bear
The bear was a display we made for an expo for landscape architects (mostly people designing public spaces, playgrounds, parks, etc.. people who need big bears).
We sketched it out on paper and shipped it to Nashville, Tennessee 14 days later.
Check out this article about it →

Modifying Digital Models
After 3D scanning an object or buying a model from turbosquid/etc, a lot of our clients need to change their 3D sculpture digitally. You can do it yourself, for free! If you don't have a 3D model yet, here's how to get one. Below is a list that explains how to get a...